Press Statement: Unlawful Arrest of Comrade Daniel by Nigerian Police

This morning, Comrade Daniel, a dedicated member of the Solidarity Network for Workers’ Rights, was unlawfully arrested by men of the Nigerian Police from the Inspector General of Police Response Team (IRT) at Guzape District, FCT. The arrest occurred during a church service, where the officers falsely claimed, it was related to a murder case to justify their actions. Both Comrade Daniel and his wife had their smartphones confiscated.

From reliable information gather by his lawyer, we understand upon arrival at the IRT facility, Comrade Daniel was questioned only once regarding whether he had received any funds during the August protests, to which he responded in the negative. Following this brief interaction, he was placed in handcuffs without further explanation.

This arrest is not just an attack on an individual; it is a direct attempt to intimidate and silence activists and concerned citizens who exercise their constitutional right to peaceful assembly and protest. The arrest of Comrade Daniel is an affront to justice and a clear abuse of power, part of a broader pattern of governmental repression against voices of dissent in Nigeria.

We, the Solidarity Network for Workers’ Rights, categorically condemn this arbitrary and unlawful detention. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Daniel, whose only “crime” was his unwavering commitment to fighting for justice and workers’ rights. His continued detention reflects the deteriorating state of civil liberties in Nigeria, and we urge the relevant authorities to act swiftly in correcting this injustice.

We also call on human rights organizations, civil society, and all concerned Nigerians to stand in solidarity and demand that the Nigerian government put an end to such oppressive tactics. The rights of citizens must be protected at all times.


Segun Ogun                                                                                                                                       


Lateef Adams
