MSA Reporter
It was a weekend full of ideological and political debate, and thought-provoking discussions as the Movement for a Socialist Alternative (MSA) held its maiden National Congress in Lagos on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th October 2021.
The congress is with the notion of placing before it the task of building a working-class oriented revolutionary organization, with socialism as its programme, and Marxism its philosophical working tool.
With over 30 persons physically in attendance, the meeting was outstanding with quality discussions and contributions from the participants. The event was exciting as it was part in person and part on zoom.
Members unable to attend physical, made it on zoom, both nationally and internationally with participants stretching from South Africa, Cyprus, Germany, UK and Ireland, given that the MSA, is the Nigerian section of the International Socialist Alternative (ISA).
The first day had discussions on the Nigerian perspective under the theme: Nigeria at the Precipice; the Working Class or the Ruling Class to the Rescue? The lead-off was given by Spokesperson, Dagga Tolar. The current economic and political challenges being faced by the working-class people were outlined and analyzed in the twofold range of economics and politics.
The food inflation in the country, the state of insecurity, the challenge in the health sector which resulted in the doctors strike for over 30 days, the underfunding of the education sector, the increased brain drain ongoing are many challenges of the working people that has gone worse under the Buhari regime.
The capitalist policies of the regime dictated by the IMF, World Bank and the Chinese imperialist agenda have put the country in this current mess. To a situation where a bag of beans that was sold at N30,000 earlier this year now goes for about N100,000 in just about 6 months.
While the salary of the working class people remains unchanged the prices of goods and commodities in the market continues to surge. The lead-off also touch on the privatized electricity sector where the government keeps budgeting huge amount to the sector with no remarkable improvement in power supply and yet the private companies of DISCOs keep smiling to the banks from every year increase in tariff.
The speaker used the opportunity to call on the working class to step forward and provide leadership for the entire working masses, in a struggle to save this country from total collapse.
The issue of secessions currently ravaging all parts of the country is linked to the failure of the ruling elites under-developing the country despite making billions of dollars from the sales of crude oil.
The comrades who spoke contributed to the discussion and also linked the economic and political crisis to the crises of capitalism. The crisis from one state to another are interrelated as the corrupt ruling elites have never had the interest to develop the country.
The congress had in attendance Dockworkers, Joint Action Front (JAF) who through their solidarity messages made inspiring contributions and recognizes the need of building a political alternative against the system of capitalism.
The discussion around the World Relations was taken by another MSA comrade, Ayo Ademiluyi, who x-rays the capitalist crisis on the international level. He examined the sorry state of the giant capitalist countries during the pandemic.
States like the US and China witnessed a serious blow to their economy as there was a decline in growth. The sum-up of the international relation was taken by Steven Boyd via zoom.
The comrade’s intervention and analysis looked at the crisis of capitalism and the need to replace it with a planned system of scientific socialism. The crisis in climate change which is a result of capitalist greed is linked with the problems of food inflation globally and Nigeria inclusive.
The advent of the pandemic has exposed capitalism and shows that the system cannot take humanity forward. A clear example given is that of the Chinese economy whose GDP growth has slowed significantly from14% in 2017 to less than 7% in 2018 and is projected to fall below 5% by 2024.
Another intervention made on the second day is the special contribution on “The Role of Women in Revolutionary Organization.” Leadoff was delivered by both Laura (Ireland) and Phemelo Motseckae (South Africa). Both comrades spokes on the role of women in revolutionary politics and struggles.
References were made to the Russian revolution of 1917 and the role of women in leading and organizing. Contributions were noted and congress adopted the process of constituting a Women Socialist Network.
Both the Secretariat and Branch reports were presented beginning from when the section kicked off last year June 2020. In all, six branches were represented; both the progress and shortcoming in each branch that presented its report of activities were noted.
The Congress also took on the theme of “The Role of the paper in building a Revolutionary Organization.” The discussion on the paper was to draw all of the importance about employing all of the new handles and social media outlets to reach out to change seeking element interested in the idea of socialism.
A special report was given of the earlier two editions of Solidarity; the paper of the MSA that has been produced and the fact that the first edition was completely sold out and the need to maintain the same tempo about all other editions of the paper.
The paper-like Trotsky points out is the “face of the organization”, for so many “change seekers” may even be the point of contact with the organization. Therefore, a key factor in building MSA, reaching out to workers and young people serve also as the bases of building a revolutionary organization to feat the idea of socialism.
Of course, the importance of the paper is raising funds for the work of the organization was also emphasized. At the floor of the congress, it was unilaterally agreed by comrades and resolved that members should endeavour to increase the drive for recruiting new members and to consolidate them.
A new recruitment target was stated and a task to double the number of branches as well as numbers of our members. This goal is expected to be accomplished before the next national meeting.
The congress unanimously adopted the major aspect of the structures of the organization, which includes: Converting the spokesman of MSA Dagga Tolar to General Secretary and the Constitution adopted as a working document.
Another aspect adopted is the membership of the National Committee, the committee for Students and Youth work, Labour and Community work, Women work and Environment and Climate Change committee were presented and approved by the congress unanimously.
On the question of finance – the working foundation of the organization was emphasized politically while it is important in the MSA work. That the bourgeoisie would not finance its downfall without the working masses through their sweat and toils must be the ones that will finance their struggle against exploitation and build consciousness with solidarity to their struggles.
The sale of the paper and appeal for financial support from workers and trade unions is why our work in the labour movement remain important in recruiting, consolidating and building the MSA was politically reiterated.
The congress went ahead to demonstrate this with a Struggle Fund to support the work of the MSA, raising a total sum of N94, 500, with a cash of N22,500 and a pledge of N72, 000. An additional Struggle fund of N2, 850 was raised as a support to take care of text messages among other needs.
The congress fundraising drive is still on and we used this opportunity to reach out to friends and sympathizers to donate to the cause. We expect to reach the target of N100, 000 and we call on workers, comrades and members to donate to our appeal fundraising and join us in organizing in the struggles of the working masses.